Thursday, August 30, 2012

Just Ask

As I read through the gospel of John, I notice Jesus mentioning a few times in a very short section to ask God whatever you want and he (God) will give it to you.  This came at a very critical point in Jesus' life.  These were some of the last words of instruction he would give to his followers.  Ask and he will give (John 14:13; 15:7; 15:16). 

Now, this isn't the "name it and claim it" prosperity message.  There are caveats ... there are conditions.  Jesus puts it in context of "doing his work."  Is it possible that as we are doing God's work: love, care, compassion, testimony, worshiping, teaching, preaching, etc., that we would just need to ask God for what we need and we'd have it?

It's an asking that is rooted in Jesus name (14:13).  Not in our name, in our effort, in the name of our church or the name of a denomination.  It's in Jesus name so that the "Son may bring glory to the Father."  We receive because the Son (Jesus) wants to bring glory to the Father.

It's an asking that is rooted in Abiding in God (15:7).  If we are not connected to God, how will we receive what we ask for.  There is a relational connection to asking and receiving.  It's interesting how the the impetus is on US remaining in Him.  God never leaves us ... but we are so prone to wonder from him.  If we remain in him, through the good, the bad, and the ugly we can receive what we ask for.

It's an asking that is rooted in proven faithfulness; Jesus calls it "bearing fruit (15:16)."  It's related to remaining in Him.  Using a vineyard metaphor Jesus claims that by remaining in him we bear His kind of fruit.  When that is evidenced in our lives, then we ask and we receive.

I know that for me, I often get lost in the mania of life and I really forget to just ask, in Jesus name, for that which I desire.  It can sound a bit self-serving too ... but as we remain in/stay connected with God we develop an affinity for Godly things, behaviors, and lifestyles that then influence our asking.  But we just forget to ask.

How about you?  Have you remembered to ask of God today?  Are you connected to him, does your life display his values, do you ask in Christ's authority?

Take time this week and just ask of him.  At the same time measure your own life with the verses above and see where there's room for improvement.  I have a feeling you will begin receiving what you ask for ... in God's timeline.

Hope to see you Sunday at Christ Church of West County.
Sunday 10am @ Fairview Middle School.

In Christ,
Ben DiStefano

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