Our Mission, Vision, Values


To accept people where they are in life and help them become devoted followers of Jesus Christ ...

  • We envision a gathering of people who love Jesus Christ and love people and want to make a spiritual impact in West County.
  • We envision authentic relationships as we journey together in life and faith.
  • We envision engaging our communities with the gospel message in ways that are relevant and natural.
  • We envision worshiping together in grace and truth, honoring all people, and remaining faithful to God and the Bible.
  • We envision serving all people with love and dignity.
  • We envision playing a role in the greater global community, sending the message of the gospel around the world.


Prayer - God created us to interact with him and he wants us to know him more than we can imagine

Authenticity - life is messy and that's ok... We come to Christ just as we are and allow him to redeem and restore us

Culture - God has created this day for us and we should be happy about it and embrace it.  We will actively and creatively leverage our culture to share the gospel message.

3rd Spaces - the church is not a building ... It's a gathering of people under the name of Christ; therefore, we seek ways to intersect the gospel message within the rhythms of our lives, our circles of influence, and the common spaces we share with others (work, neighborhoods, schools, etc.).

[This page is still under construction.] 

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