Tuesday, May 29, 2012


What a great weekend for Christ Church.  This was a weekend for connections.  On Sunday night we had a cookout for the people of our "core team" (our first recruits to establish Christ Church) and our "launch team" (people who've heard about what we're doing and want to get involved).  We were able to dodge the rain and have a blast with burgers, dogs, and smores.  The night was filled with conversations, laughter, kids running and screaming, Bob FM, and some kind of yard game that had our insurance guys nervous!  [No injuries reported! :)]

Connections were happening all over the place.  Time and again in the conversations going on around me I heard people discovering their interconnectedness, whether it was related to their children, where they are from, or past job experiences.  And that's exactly what we wanted to have happen.  More than a picnic over a holiday weekend, we wanted the people of Christ Church to connect with each other in a casual and fun environment.  There was no program, no agenda, and no schedule ... just eat, have fun, and build relationships.

Our hope is that Christ Church will be known for our relationships.  Relationships that are authentic - where it's OK to be who you are, without judgements and criticism.  Relationships that have Christ at the core and foundation - where people each day take one more step to understand and deepen their faith in Christ.  Relations that ask questions - where people who are curious, confused, and even critical of the church and Christ, can ask their questions and get real, life-giving answers.

If this is the kind of church you'd like to be a part of, then email us and let us get to know you.  There's plenty of room for more people at Christ Church.  I bet you'll be surprised at the connections you'll make.

Church Should Be Simple:  Love God and Love People!


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