Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Free Grace, Costly Following

Perhaps the greatest theme in the Bible is that of God’s Grace.  Grace is God’s unmerited favor, goodness, blessing, and salvation offered to us.  Unmerited.  It’s a word we don’t use too often anymore.  In fact in our culture we probably offer and live with a lot of stipulated grace.   “I will love you if … I will forgive you if … I will honor you if ….”  I mean we don’t actually say it that way, but we all know and sense the implication in the tone of people.

But not with God.  God’s offer of “salvation,” which has more than just a future eternal destiny in mind – it has our today and everyday in mind too – is based not on the merits of what we can do to please God or accomplish to impress God or how “cleaned up” we can get before we turn to God.  God’s grace is based on who He is!  And he offers it freely – that is without merit – to us.  There are no hoops to jump through.  Click on this verse – Ephesians 2:1-10 to see one example.

While his offer to us is free, our response to him is costly.  This too is a Biblical theme woven throughout.  In response to God’s grace we follow his lead for our lives and it will always cost us something.  This is why people actually turned away from following Jesus.  Even though his grace was free - unmerited, the cost to take his name (Christian) was too high.   

That’s the difference between the crowd and the disciples.  The crowd followed at a distance, never willing to pay the price to follow.  The disciples, they left home,changed business, changed their names, gave to the poor, supported the widows, were rejected, changed their work schedules, ended destructive habits, turned the other cheek, accepted instead of hated, embraced instead of resisted, honored all people, and – for some – died, all because they accepted God’s free grace and put their faith in Christ.

I worry that at times we are so consumed with the free gift of God’s unmerited Grace that we forget (refuse, ignore, get too busy) to follow God. 

We have a saying in America, “you get what you pay for.”  Here’s a hard truth, if following God isn’t costing us something, then maybe we’re not really following him at all.

Again, I’m not talking about the offer of salvation (eternal and temporal); I’m talking about how we respond to being “saved by grace.” 

As we start Christ Church there are some things we will have to sacrifice - price a pay - as we follow God’s lead in this venture:  time, money, blood-sweat-tears (see yesterday’s post), some friends (both inside [#smh] and outside the church), pride & humility, sleepless nights, extended hours, and more.  But that’s what happens when we follow Christ.  We sacrifice for him, our faith, for God because we understand his Grace.

  • Why would we do this:  so that the people who will find Christ Church will find a church where they understand God’s unmerited favor:  so that a home can be healed, relationships restored, hope strengthened, peace gained, healing applied, and, someday, realize an eternal destiny in heaven.  
  • We do it because Church Should Be Simple:  Love God and Love People!

If you'd like to join us in this journey, then email us and let us get to know you.  Also, if you'd like to make a donation to help Christ Church get up and get going, you can forward it to our address:  170 Gateway Dr., Fairview, PA  16415.

Are you getting what you paid for?

Monday, June 25, 2012

Blood, Sweat, and Tears ... and a Concert

What a great concert last night.  Christ Church hosted our first concert with Nashville Christian recording artist Jeremy Casella.  I don’t know what the final count was last night, but a bunch of people joined us on our lawn and heard the powerful story of Jesus and the gospel in a fresh, authentic, and vulnerable way.  I believe God was honored.

As the day unfolded prior to the concert, I was reminded again that there is an enemy of God that is trying to defeat our plans to honor God, point people to Jesus, and make a life-giving investment in the west county.  Thankfully the Crises were averted.  Here’s what went down.

About 9:30am Sunday morning I get a text message from our artist, Jeremy, saying his guitar broke at the church he was playing that morning.  His guitar broke!  He’s coming to play an acoustic, guitar driven concert … and his guitar broke!  Not just any guitar … his guitar: the guitar he’s used to craft the songs that he’s written for years, the guitar that has traveled the world with him.  To a musician, a guitar of this caliber and history is a part of who they are; to have it break is ... heartbreaking.  Again, not to mention he had another show in the evening – at our home. 

He asked if we could find a guitar to use.  He asked for a couple of specific kinds of guitars, which I completely understand.  (When Jimmy Johnson wrecks his NASCAR race car, you don’t give him a Yugo as a replacement.) 

So I started texting people in our church and other friends looking for help.  While we couldn’t find the specific guitars he uses, we found a good one that he could use.  Being the professional Jeremy is, he rolled with it and graciously played the guitar and made it sound beautiful! 

Crisis #1 – Averted.

We, had a guitar, we were home free!  And then the screaming started.  At 3:30pm our youngest daughter fell off her bike.  Screaming and crying walking back the driveway, her hand covered her mouth that was bleeding.  So I called my wife (I don’t do blood and trauma very well).   Did I mention it was 2 ½ hours before guests would begin to arrive?

My wife gave appropriate first aid treatment.  She called her father (who’s a physician) to consult on the cut lip.  We then went to our neighbor - who is really a best friend, launch team partner, and one who is like my older brother - who happens to be local dentist.  We interrupted his relaxing Sunday afternoon and he graciously examined her lip and teeth. 

She would be fine, just a lot of ice/cold compress and ibuprophen and rest.  No ER visit needed.  Whew!!!

Crisis #2 – Averted (with a little blood, sweat and tears)

My wife and I looked at each other and knew it was going to be a great night.  The enemy of God doesn’t plan, work, and fight against us, unless there’s a Kingdom of God reason to.
Now I know what some will say or think.  Those are just random happenings.  Those are just coincidences.  I understand those ideas.  I don’t look for a demon under every rock either. 

But this is what I know:  Ephesians 6:11-12
11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Our real struggles in this world are not between each other.  There is a spiritual battle that takes place.  We are spiritual people and we are engaged in spiritual battles.  When the enemy of God knows that God is going to be honored, when a group of people will gather to worship him, when God may break through the hard hearts and understanding of some people to express his grace and providence, then the battle is on.

Here’s the other thing I know … Christ’s church is a powerful army and a magnificent team!!!

Acts 2:42-47 was on full display yesterday.  From guitars to friend's who happen to be dentists, to prayers to serving at a concert on a lawn, the church was the church.   

So thank you to all who offered guitars.  Thank you to whoever was praying for us yesterday at 3:30pm.  Your prayers helped.  Thank you to the people of Christ Church of West County who gave of their resources, time, energy, and talent to make last night happen.  It was a good night.

This is what Christ Church of West County will be about: a church that acts like a church. If you’re looking for a church that’s not perfect but trying to authentically follow Jesus, help others, and give of themselves to a cause that is bigger than they are, then we may be the church for you.

¨      If you want more information on Christ Church or have something you’d like us to pray about, email us at ccwestco@gmail.com.  We’d love to hear from you.

¨      If you’d like to help us reach our goal of $50,000 in 50 days to help with our start up costs: audio/video equipment, rental payments, children’s ministry supplies, a keyboard, a drum kit, pens and paper, etc., we’d love to invest your donation.  You can make a check payable and forward your donation to: Christ Church of West County, 170 Gateway Dr., Fairview, PA 16415.

Church Should Be Simple:  Love God and Love People!


Monday, June 18, 2012

"I am William Wallace ..."

Braveheart is one of my all time favorite movies.  The adventure, the action, the romance, the call to honor.  For me, it's a great movie.  Recently a friend of mine posted on his Facebook account a quote from the movie, attributed to William Wallace:  "All men die. Not all men really live." 
When you think of that statement, what comes to your mind about truly living?  What images come to mind?  What dreams resurface?  What would you really want to do?  What for you is really living???  You know the next set of questions:  what keeps us from that, and why wouldn't we pursue that?
Taken in a spiritual context and for Christ Church as we start up, there are people who will die but also may never really live.  We have an opportunity to help people find the way to really live in Christ - not just for an eternal destiny someday, but to really live in Christ right here and right now today.
Starting Christ Church can be overwhelming and frustrating at times; yet we see God's alignment in our lives and answers to prayers.  Let's keep praying, let's keep seeking, let's renew our commitment to Christ and never forget why we are doing this:  so people can really live both now and forever in Christ.

What's 1 thing you could do today to really live?

  • If you'd like to learn more about Christ Church of West County, send us an email and we'll get back in touch with you.
  •  If you'd like to help us reach our goal of $50,000 in 50 days, investing in the start up costs of Christ Church, you can send you donation to the address provided in the right hand column.  
 Church Should Be Simple:  Love God and Love People!
In Christ,

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Concert on the Lawn

Nashville Christian Recording Artist, Jeremy Casella, will perform an original set of music on the lawn at the home of      Ben and Amy DiStefano.

This 60 minute acoustic show provides a unique listening experience that is completely unto itself. There's a powerful connection that happens when people get to know Jeremy and his songs about life and faith. 

Sunday June 24
Refreshments at 6:00pm - Show begins at 7:00pm
170 Gateway Dr., Fairview, PA  16415

Please RSVP by June 23.
BYO-Lawn Chair and enjoy a night of music.

Call:  814.460.8262 or Email: ccwestco@gmail.com

Check out Jeremy's music at:  www.jeremycasella.com

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

50 in 50

Depending on who you talk to, the looks range from quizzical, to shock, to disbelief, to amazement, or to quiet confidence.  Christ Church of West County is embarking on a great challenge … to raise $50,000 in the next 50 days.  Yep, I’ve seen that look too.

It is a big challenge.  It’s a big ask of people.  Or is it? 

We believe that when God is behind something, he will provide the resources for it.  And we believe, not with blind faith but with faith that’s been confirmed time and again in this journey, that God is behind this and will supply our financial needs as a new start-up church.  $50k in 50days

Why $50k/50d; well, think of it as a goal, not a line of demarcation.  There are a number of costs involved in a start-up, as many of you know.  We need to secure a rental facility, finalize insurance, begin to purchase equipment and software, resource our children’s ministry, advertise our ministry, and fund our ministry areas, just to name a few of our needs.  So we set a goal – something to shoot for.  It’s strategic, measurable, attainable (yep, I’ve seen that look too), realistic, and time sensitive. 

It’s also a challenge to stretch our faith and to build ownership among the core team of Christ Church.  As our team meets for prayer, Bible study, and developing a connectedness, we also need to “own” a part of what God has called us to.  By asking our team to reach out to their friends and family and help us to raise funds, we begin to own the vision and values of Christ Church as our own.  This will propel us into the future and help sustain us when we’re challenged or discouraged.

So what if we don’t reach $50k/50d, well, I hope we don’t … I hope we exceed it.  And if we don’t?  We completely trust God’s leading and timing.  Again, it’s a goal not a defining moment or referendum on the Church.

We could really use your help to reach $50k/50d.  This is how God will move, through the generous gifts of those who love us, believe in our mission, and want to make an investment for an eternal difference (and yes I’ve seen those looks too).  From small donations, to gifts of $250, or even major contributions of $5,000, everyone plays a part.

Will you prayerfully consider making a tax deductible donation to Christ Church of West County 
as we press forward to $50,000 in 50 days??? 

Whether you are a friend or you just happened across this blog, you can help make a difference.  If you’d like to make a donation you can make your check payable to “Christ Church of West County” and mail it to:  170 Gateway Dr., Fairview, PA  16415. 

*Please do not let this interfere with your regular giving to your local church.

We will work hard, invest wisely, and care for and support the people in our communities.  We will do the hard work so that understanding and receiving the Gospel is easy for people.

Church Should Be Simple:  Love God and Love People!

In Christ,

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Yours or Ours

Over the past few weeks I’ve been reading in the Old Testament.  As I was reading today in 1 Samuel 15, an interesting phrase jumped off the page to me.  You have to go back and read through the first 14 chapters to really appreciate the context of the verse.  King Saul had made a grave error in not following completely the Lord’s directions.  As he’s confronted by the Spiritual leader of Israel, Samuel, this is how Saul responds:  “…come back with me (Saul says to Samuel) so that I may worship the Lord your God.”  [1 Samuel 15.30]

Did you catch that?  “… the Lord your God.”

While I have not dug into commentaries or the original language to pick this verse apart (proper study has much value), I am taking this at face value in the immediate context of the verse and the greater context of chapters 1-14.  Something happened here!  This encounter, this moment was a game changer.  This was a moment that revealed the true heart of King Saul.  The Lord was not his God … but "your God."

I cannot say that Saul never truly had a heart for God, neither can I say that this was the moment he lost faith in God.  What I do know though is that in this moment, the truth of his heart was that he was far from God and in retrospect (previous chapters) we can see how he had been gradually drifting off course from God’s direction.

The same is true for many of us, isn’t it?   There are moments that reveal the true nature or position of our faith in God.  There are moments, because of either continued “faking it” or because of our own wandering heart from God, we like Saul will not own a relationship with God.  We will look to those around us who are worshiping and serving and striving to grow in faith and say like Saul … “your God.”

At Christ Church we value honesty and authenticity.  We understand that Life is Messy and We're OK with That.  So we will value people who join us in worship, service, and mission and say that God is not yet “our God” but still “your God.”  Our desire is to walk in friendship with people who are searching for “our God” so that they too, one day, will join us in worshiping “our God” together. 

Your life is never too messy for God to intervene.  Your life is never too complicated for God to restore and redeem.  For the people of Christ Church, there was a day when the Lord was God of someone else – “your God.”  But through honesty and friendship and the understanding who God really is, we found him to be “our God” as well.  We know that Our God is: greater, stronger, higher, healer, and awesome in power.*  That’s “our God.”

  • *Check out Chris Tomlin's song "Our God."
  • If you’d like more information on “Our God” and Christ Church, please contact us through our email and we’ll get back to you.
  • Our goal is to launch Christ Church to the public sometime this fall.  If these posts, our vision and values, and investing in the community resonates with you and you’d like to join us and help us launch strong in the fall, then send an email and we’ll get back to you.
  • Enter your email address in the upper right box to subscribe and automatically receive our updates!

Church Should Be Simple:  Love God, Love People!

Have a Great Day,