Tuesday, June 12, 2012

50 in 50

Depending on who you talk to, the looks range from quizzical, to shock, to disbelief, to amazement, or to quiet confidence.  Christ Church of West County is embarking on a great challenge … to raise $50,000 in the next 50 days.  Yep, I’ve seen that look too.

It is a big challenge.  It’s a big ask of people.  Or is it? 

We believe that when God is behind something, he will provide the resources for it.  And we believe, not with blind faith but with faith that’s been confirmed time and again in this journey, that God is behind this and will supply our financial needs as a new start-up church.  $50k in 50days

Why $50k/50d; well, think of it as a goal, not a line of demarcation.  There are a number of costs involved in a start-up, as many of you know.  We need to secure a rental facility, finalize insurance, begin to purchase equipment and software, resource our children’s ministry, advertise our ministry, and fund our ministry areas, just to name a few of our needs.  So we set a goal – something to shoot for.  It’s strategic, measurable, attainable (yep, I’ve seen that look too), realistic, and time sensitive. 

It’s also a challenge to stretch our faith and to build ownership among the core team of Christ Church.  As our team meets for prayer, Bible study, and developing a connectedness, we also need to “own” a part of what God has called us to.  By asking our team to reach out to their friends and family and help us to raise funds, we begin to own the vision and values of Christ Church as our own.  This will propel us into the future and help sustain us when we’re challenged or discouraged.

So what if we don’t reach $50k/50d, well, I hope we don’t … I hope we exceed it.  And if we don’t?  We completely trust God’s leading and timing.  Again, it’s a goal not a defining moment or referendum on the Church.

We could really use your help to reach $50k/50d.  This is how God will move, through the generous gifts of those who love us, believe in our mission, and want to make an investment for an eternal difference (and yes I’ve seen those looks too).  From small donations, to gifts of $250, or even major contributions of $5,000, everyone plays a part.

Will you prayerfully consider making a tax deductible donation to Christ Church of West County 
as we press forward to $50,000 in 50 days??? 

Whether you are a friend or you just happened across this blog, you can help make a difference.  If you’d like to make a donation you can make your check payable to “Christ Church of West County” and mail it to:  170 Gateway Dr., Fairview, PA  16415. 

*Please do not let this interfere with your regular giving to your local church.

We will work hard, invest wisely, and care for and support the people in our communities.  We will do the hard work so that understanding and receiving the Gospel is easy for people.

Church Should Be Simple:  Love God and Love People!

In Christ,


Anonymous said...

Ben, is there a way to give online?

Thank you!

Ben DiStefano said...

As of today we do not support online donations. We will be working with banks and companies like PayPal to find the best option for us, given transaction fees that are deducted from your donation. Thank you.