Saturday, July 21, 2012

It's Not Complicated

Over the past few weeks we’ve seen the results of the continued decay of the value and authority of God’s word – the Bible – in our culture.  What’s sad is that this decay is coming from within the church.  This decay is happening on the watch of the very people who have given their lives to God.  This decay is happening at the hands of people who have claimed a call on their lives to work for God.

As Christ Church continues to grow and develop it should be known that we view the Bible – God’s Word – the Holy Scriptures as the highest and final authority for faith and life.  We express our belief in the Word of God as God’s words to us, for all generations past and present. 

At Christ Church we will seek to study God’s word with proper study methods:  understanding the culture, context, themes, norms, and values as written and presented.  We will adjust our values and life to align with God’s word as best we understand it and accurately pursue it.   

When we encounter passages that are hard to hear, we will seek to examine our hearts and not soften the message.  When we encounter passages that challenge our living, beliefs, or upbringing, we will first examine our spirits and personal decisions and not recalibrate God’s word to fit our life.  At Christ Church you can expect a conservative teaching of God’s word but in a relevant, meaningful, and common manner.

What’s great about God’s word is that it’s clear.*  It only becomes complicated when we don’t like what it says about the way we are living our lives.  We need to be reminded that this is God’s message to messy broken people inviting them to live with, dine with, and walk with a Holy God.  After we accept that invitation, we adjust our lives to Him. God is patient and helpful; he’s there for us.

God help us to accurately and passionately hold on to God’s Holy Word for us!  It is a revelation of his heart to ours that draws us to him.  This is our message.

  • Remember Christ Church now meets on Sunday mornings at 10am at Fairview Middle School
  • If you have a question or concern, please contact us at:
Church Should Be Simple:  Love God and Love People,

*There are passages that are confusing or leave us scratching our heads.  But these generally relate to specific cultural nuances or original [Hebrew/Greek] translation issues – have you ever had a friend from a foreign country, yeah, you understand how some things just don’t translate well.  These sayings or passages NEVER deviate from the overall message, theme, or common thread of the Scriptures.  They cause us to dig deeper in understanding and in the end enhance the message God is giving.

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