As we sat around the table last night we began to list off all that has happened in the first 108 days. And it's fairly amazing. It's amazing to see what God is doing both up front and behind the scenes. It's amazing to see God take care us and guide us and lead us. It's amazing the sense of common vision and direction that has filtered into the mindset of our people and leaders.
We began writing down what God has been doing and I want to share that with you ... but not here! You gotta come and join us on November 4 for our worship service and our Celebration/Vision luncheon to follow. You gotta spend time with us hearing the stories and sensing the moving of the Holy Spirit. You gotta be a part of it.
In terms of human development - remember the church is people not a building or a program - we are only 3 months old. 3 MONTHS!!! That's it!!! I hope that this brings some perspective to our ministry, reach, impact, and blessings from God. From a vision conceived in the hearts of two people, to the development of our core 12-20 people, to the birth of a new church in July it is amazing what God has done through us and for us in that time.
Take some time and think through how God is blessing and working through CCWC and then thank God for that. Let us not hold or hoard glory but let us cast our praise and thanksgiving back on God.
Plan now to join us this Sunday and again November 4 as we celebrate what God has done and look forward to the future.
Soli Deo gloria!